Performance as a vehicle of expression...
Xclaim Dance Company is a part-time professional ensemble of dancers from diverse backgrounds.
Under the artistic direction of Mariah Layne French, Xclaim produces eclectic captivating dance in a signature jazz fusion style. Much of Xclaim's work is the rich product of collaboration. Choreography emphasizes musicality and rhythm while exploring topics at the core of human experience, tapping a wide range of subject matter and emotion. Xclaim's unique original productions, eclectic choreography, and diverse music selections stand out among contemporary dance, appealing to a broad cross-section of culture. The work is thoughtfully crafted with both aesthetic texture and a depth of thematic content. Our aim is to captivate the individual spirit while arousing the intellect. Xclaim productions are an impetus for hope, leaving our dancers and audience uplifted and inspired. In an increasingly divided culture, Xclaim's work serves as a conduit for discussion, understanding and unity. Xclaim creates movement that moves people far beyond their seats.
Xclaim Dance Company is a part-time professional ensemble of dancers from diverse backgrounds.
Under the artistic direction of Mariah Layne French, Xclaim produces eclectic captivating dance in a signature jazz fusion style. Much of Xclaim's work is the rich product of collaboration. Choreography emphasizes musicality and rhythm while exploring topics at the core of human experience, tapping a wide range of subject matter and emotion. Xclaim's unique original productions, eclectic choreography, and diverse music selections stand out among contemporary dance, appealing to a broad cross-section of culture. The work is thoughtfully crafted with both aesthetic texture and a depth of thematic content. Our aim is to captivate the individual spirit while arousing the intellect. Xclaim productions are an impetus for hope, leaving our dancers and audience uplifted and inspired. In an increasingly divided culture, Xclaim's work serves as a conduit for discussion, understanding and unity. Xclaim creates movement that moves people far beyond their seats.