LaTausha Bonner
Dance has always been LaTausha's passion. She began at Barnett Recreation Center where she learned several different styles of dance including hip-hop, drill marching, cheerleading, and step. She continued her study of dance throughout her high school career at Columbus East High School and Fort Hayes MEC High School. Upon graduating, she attended Jackson State University and became a member of the Famous Prancing J- Settes and marched with Sonic Boom of The South. In 2006 she became a member of the Order of Eastern Star, and in 2007 she became a member of Tau Beta Sigma Honorary Band Sorority, Zeta Iota Chapter. She graduated with a B.S. in Educational Technology. She currently resides in Columbus, Ohio and created her own non-profit traveling dance team called The Columbus Optimistic Ladies LLC founded in 2014. She is also co-director of TKMC along with J.Shannon Filmore. Her ultimate goal in life is to make a career of teaching youth about the importance of furthering their education, enhancing their lives, and how to handle bullying. She wants our young men and women to understand how giving back to our community helps preserve a healthier future. |